BC Mentors Sponsors

Cybersecurity Awareness Workshops for Seniors

Empowering Seniors Against Online Threats

As part of our commitment to community safety, we are excited to announce a series of free cybersecurity awareness workshops specifically designed for seniors. Our goal is to equip older adults with essential knowledge and practical skills to protect themselves online.

About the Workshops

  • 1: Phishing Awareness: Understand what phishing emails are, how they work, and how to recognize suspicious messages. Learn practical tips to avoid falling victim to phishing scams.

    2: Password Security: Discover best practices for creating strong, unique passwords and safeguarding your accounts. We’ll cover password managers and how to stay secure across various platforms.

    3: Safe Browsing: Explore safe internet practices, including identifying secure websites, avoiding malicious links, and protecting personal information while surfing the web.

    4: Social Engineering: Learn about common social engineering tactics used by cybercriminals. We’ll discuss phone scams, impersonation, and ways to stay vigilant.

    5: Securing Devices: Understand the importance of keeping your devices (computers, smartphones, tablets) updated and secure. We’ll provide practical steps to enhance your digital safety.

  • • When: Throughout the summer months

    • Where: Local retirement homes and community centers (Bucks County Area)

    • Who: Open to all seniors in our community

    • Cost: Free of charge

  • • Stay Safe Online: Gain confidence in navigating the digital world without compromising your security.

    • Ask Questions: Our friendly instructors will answer your questions and address concerns.

    • Connect with Peers: Meet other seniors who share your interest in staying cyber-smart.

Spread the Word!

Help us create a safer online environment for seniors. Share this information with your friends, family, and neighbors. Let’s empower our community to stay safe online!

For more information or to register, please contact us at bcmentorsacademy@gmail.com or call (267) 897-5996.